Laase vs. Zirgulis


By Robert Smith

Re “The Hysterical Leading the Uninformed”

Clearly your essayist George Laase is not a fan of School Board candidate Robert Zirgulis.

It is also very clear that Mr. Laase has no opinion on the Natatorium.

His attempt to discredit Mr. Zirgulis is very obviously personal.

Name-calling and finger-pointing are typically signs of desperation and defeat.

I would like to point out to Mr. Laase that the election is still about six weeks away.

There is still plenty of time to talk about issues.
One question I have is, What are your hopes and dreams for the School District?

Why don't you talk about them and get us excited about your vision?

Why don't you show us a clear picture of the future?


The current School Board has had four years to give us a clear picture of where we are headed. Yet it still is unclear what the future brings.


The current Board is divided. That is painfully clear


Mr. Laase, are you and I looking at the same district? In my District, the current Board has not solved the problem with the Natatorium.

So if you are voting for one of the incumbents, you are voting for more of the same.

The Power of the Vote

Change is the best remedy for complacency.

Vote for change on Nov. 5.

If you have vision things will come into focus.

Vote for a new direction in Culver City.

Mr. Smith may be contacted at