King, the Idea Man, Was the First to Support a Ban on Fracking

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Dr. Khin Khin Gyi, M.D., Ph.D.

Since the beginning of the City Council campaign cycle, Christopher Patrick King is the only candidate who has supported a local ban on hydraulic fracturing, gravel packing and acidization used to extract oil and natural gas. 

Since the chemicals used in fracking are known carcinogens that have been shown to pollute air and our ground water, Mr. King wants to ensure that we have clean air and water in our neighborhoods.  Fracking has been shown to cause earthquakes. The Inglewood Oil Field is the largest urban oil field in the U.S., on a 7.4 earthquake fault. Culver City is sitting on 10 percent of that field. 

Mr. King wants to be certain that our health and safety are protected with a local ban on fracking similar to that of the City of Pittsburgh, which has had a ban for the last four years.

As of Monday’s City Council meeting, Mr. King no longer is the only candidate to call attention to a local ban on fracking.  Our mayor, Jeff Cooper, called to quickly schedule a local ordinance against fracking on the March 24 agenda.  As an environmental activist, I am happy to see Mr. Cooper change his stance on fracking.  But I am concerned as to his reasons.  Last year, the City Council sought input from the residents in revising its oil and gas ordinance.  I provided written recommendations in the summer of 2013.  We were told that the city would incorporate all of our suggestions and return to us with a revised ordinance in September.  It has been six months. We still  are waiting.  Only a week ago, Mr. Cooper maintained strongly that he would not support a local ban on fracking at the Culver Crest Neighborhood Assn.’s candidates forum. 

Is Mr. Cooper changing his opinion on fracking as a political move to gain support from an idea that Mr. King has been advocating all along? 

While I want Mr. Cooper to act strongly on the issue, I am concerned that it is only because of the pressures of an election cycle that we are seeing this change of heart. 

We need innovative, compassionate and visionary leadership to lead Culver City into the second decade of the 21st century as our city celebrates its centennial in 2017.

I believe that Christopher Patrick King is that leader.  Please vote for him on April 8.

Dr. Gyi, M.D., Ph.D, a member of the Sierra Club and a board member of Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community, may be contacted at