Karlo’s Sustainability Leadership Has Been Pivotal, Cunningham Says

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Shea Cunningham

As a committed sustainability advocate, I strongly support Karlo Silbiger for School Board.

Mr. Silbiger has been the most active and vocal supporter on the School Board for installing the new solar energy system. This system will bring in a guaranteed $8.5 million in unrestricted money to our general school fund.

Revenues from solar energy can be used to pay for anything the School Board feels is necessary for our students’ education – from hiring new teachers, to upgrading facilities to paying for maintenance. No new taxes were needed for the solar project. 

The capital reserve funds paying for the project could not be used for education-related expenses. It was a win for the kids’ education, our finances and the environment. Without Mr. Silbiger’s support, I am convinced the solar system would not have been installed, and we would have lost out on this important opportunity.

I also support Mr. Silbiger because he consistently has supported increased citizen and parent involvement in our schools and in our School Board activities. He championed creation of the Environmental Sustainability Committee. This group, composed of Culver City residents with sustainability experience, is intended to advise the Board on sustainability issues. It resulted in the launch of the Green5 sustainability education program.

Mr. Silbiger was a strong, sometimes solitary, voice in pushing for continued, increased Environmental Sustainability Committee  advice on the solar project. This ensured a thorough review of options and the installation of the best possible solar system for Culver City.

I hope other residents who understand the value of forwarding sustainability for our children will join me in supporting Karlo Silbiger for re-election to the Culver City School Board on Nov. 5.

Ms. Cunningham, Chair of the Lin Howe School Green Team, Co-Chair of the Environmental Sustainability Committee, CCUSD, may be contacted at sheamcunningham@gmail.com