Karlo’s Defeat Was Tough on the Britches

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Skye King

Re “Karlo Hopes Teachers Union ‘Does More’ in Future Elections”

Something had been bugging me ever since I read the latest article about Karlo Silbiger’s thoughts on the School Board election. I just realized what it is.

Here’s a quote from Mr. Silbiger: “The three of us (Claudia Vizcarra, Vernon Taylor and Mr. Silbiger) did not endorse each other. So we weren’t necessarily telling our supporters to vote for the other two.”
I looked at their mailers and websites. Mr. Silbiger’s name is on Claudia Vizcarra’s list of supporters. Her name is on his list of supporters. I’m also staring at Vernon Taylor’s big glossy mailer. I see a very posed picture of him with by Mr. Silbiger on one side and Pat Siever on the other.
There goes another pair of pants up in flames!
Mr. King may be contacted at