It Is Supple’s Turn to Correct the Record Made by Rose

Letters to the EditorLetters

What two things do the following statements have in common?

The world is flat.

The Entrada Project is three times the size of Westfield Fox Hills.

The two things that they have in common are that both are false and neither appeared in my letter to the thefrontpageonline.

I didn’t say anything in my letter about Entrada being three times the size of Westfield Fox Hills.

I have never said that Entrada was three times the size of Westfield Fox Hills.

I know that is not true.

I have said (but not in the letter in question) that Entrada is four times the city’s height limit, which is almost true. It is actually only 3.98257 times the City’s height limit.

I think former Councilman Steve Rose was upset because in my letter I said during public comment a lady mentioned an encounter she had with him at a candidate forum. (See “Former Councilman Seeks to Correct the Record,” May 7.)

He should have said in his response “Objection, hearsay.”

(It seems the proper response because I am currently on jury duty.)

And I would have to sustain his objection.

I was not there at the candidate forum.

Before the Council meeting that evening, I had heard of the encounter from others that were there.

The comment made during the encounter was like, “You are wasting your time,” or “It’s not going to work.”

And while not directly stating that the project was going to be approved by the City Council, it implied it.

Mr. Rose began his letter with a quote from Dragnet.

I will end this letter with the latest status on the Entrada Project, also quoting Dragnet.

“On May 5, 2008 a closed session was held in City Hall in Culver City, in and for the City of Culver City. In a moment the results of the closed session.”

Mr. Supple may be contacted at