In Defense of Union Endorsees for the School Board

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Debbie Hamme

Re “Teachers Will Back Silbiger, Vizcarra, Taylor”

[Editor’s Note: Controversy has been swirling ever since Teachers Union President David Mielke announced here on the morning of Aug. 30 that, along with the Assn. of Classified Employees, they would be endorsing two first-time candidates and one incumbent in the School Board race. Ms. Hamme, the letter-writer, is president of the classified employees union.]

Regarding the question about our backing a newcomer: 

We believe that Claudia Vizcarra would bring a wealth of experience to the School Board because of her years of professional experience working with Steve Zimmer (LAUSD School Board member) and prior to that, her work with Jackie Goldberg, a well-respected former teacher and two-term member of the state Assembly. 

There is no question that her duties as a policy director and director of curriculum for Mr. Zimmer give her an indisputable perspective and knowledge of the issues that are critical to the education of our students. She also has two children in our schools, which gives her a much more personal perspective of the needs of CCUSD students. 

I know Claudia to be a passionate advocate for all students. She will be someone who will ensure that all students get a quality education and access to equal opportunities for success.
With regard to union endorsements: 

We have used the same endorsement procedures for the last several years.  Site representatives and other interested members are invited to serve on the interview panel. This year, our original panel of nine members was reduced to seven due to the family obligations of two members of the panel who had to drop out at the last minute. 

We ask several general questions. Every candidate is asked the same questions.  This year, two questions were asked about the El Marino adjunct issue and one about the subsequent formation of United Parents of Culver City.  The adjunct issue was a topic that directly involved the Assn. of Classified Employees – Culver City. It still resonated with our members. Of course, we wanted to learn what the candidates’ perspective was on this issue. 

A couple of people have jumped to the conclusion that because we asked a question about UPCC, we allegedly don’t think the parents group “has the right to exist.”  Nothing could be further from the truth!  We support the right of any group to organize. We think we could accomplish much more by working together on the issues that face our School District.
Still, we have the right to ask questions that are important and pertinent to us in the same way that other groups endorsing candidates in this election will do.

Ms. Hamme may be contacted at