If No Bond Measure, Renew the Parcel Tax In November

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis

Let's end the political partisan bickering.

We still have time to put a renewal of Measure EE, the parcel tax on the ballot with  the support of the School Board.
Four years ago, all candidates for School Board at the time came to Scott Ziedmans house. They buried their political differences to come out and support the parcel tax that passed overwhelmingly.

I did not let personal differences with one of the candidates interfere with my full support and campaigning door to door for Measure EE.
I support calling for a special meeting of the Board on Tuesday, July 30, to revive putting the bond measure on the ballot. If the Board doesn't vote to have it on the ballot, I will call on the Board to support a resolution in favor of a renewal of Measure EE.

I am calling for a truce. Bury the so-called hatchet to end the partisan bickering that doesn't help our kids or our schools.
We should form a “Renew Measure EE Parcel Tax Committee.”
There is no reason to not support a renewal because all of the past School Board members backed it.
I am calling former organizers of Measure EE, the United Parents of Culver City, the present School Board and candidates, and any interested citizens to contact me to set up a meeting to form the committee to renew the Measure EE parcel tax.
Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the School Board, may be contacted at 310.486.7408 or