I Have Suspicions About the ‘Official’ Vote by the Teachers Union

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jamie Wallace

In regard to the recent endorsements announced by the Culver City Federation of Teachers Union and the Assn. of Classified Employees, I have some very important questions.

• In the interest of transparency, how many members of each union actually voted on the endorsements?

• Was a vote sent out to all members?

• Or was it a vote of those who stayed until the end of the evening, after the candidates had been questioned?

• How many members are there in each union?

• How many of them actually cast a vote?

The answers to these questions would allow me to understand the “strength” of the endorsement.

Do a majority of the teachers and classified  employees in the School District agree with supporting the slate announced by both of the unions?

According to my sources, the actual voting for the endorsement was done by union officials and their representatives from the school sites. General members of the teachers and the employee unions did not participate in choosing who to endorse.

So again, the real question is, does this “official” endorsement really reflect the actual majority of the teachers and employees in the District?

Is the endorsement really worth the “paper” it is printed on?

Inquiring minds would really like to know.

Ms. Wallace may be contacted at jamie@imbob.net