Huge Victory for Crenshaw – Leimert Park Station Approved

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Damien Goodmon

Re “Rev. Lee Tells Crenshaw Coalition How to Win Their Goals”

Did you hear the news?

This morning the MTA board voted to fully fund a subway station at Leimert Park on the Crenshaw Line: Yes, Virginia, there will be a Leimert Park station on the upcoming Crenshaw/LAX light rail Line.

Please join us tomorrow at 9 a.m. in Leimert Park to celebrate with our champion for the station, County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, and our Mayor Villaraigosa.

We will be sending out more information tonight, but let me take a minute to send a heartfelt thank you on behalf of the leaders of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition.

This has, and continues to be, an epic battle for the preservation and enhancement of our community.

Each of you has been instrumental.

If not for you, your phone calls, your emails, your contributions, your counsel, your presence at meetings, your continued faith in and support of the leadership of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition, today's monumental victory would not have been possible.

The battle to underground the line for 11 blocks, to make real the dreams of community economic revitalization continues.

There is plenty to report on that front.

But for now, we take a moment to celebrate.

Mr. Goodmon, Executive Director of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition, may be contacted at