He Suspects the City Is Acting Disingenuously About Entrada

Letters to the EditorLetters

It is common sense, and it was recently pointed out in another publication that successful developers do not do the work on projects the size of the Entrada Office Tower without certainty that they will be approved with minimal concessions.

They go into the process knowing they will be approved.


As we have seen, they are given every consideration by the city staff.

Okay, the argument goes, the city needs revenues.

The question that should be asked, however, is why would management or the attorneys allow poison pill language in any contract that the city would end up signing?

Yes, no one likes the Entrada project. But during the budget hearing session, the Fire Dept.’s request for a new paramedic vehicle was turned down. The reason? Perhaps it would be funded by Entrada.

I think is time to be honest with city residents.

If they are going to approve something, just say so rather than implying that it requires a vote.

If there are already plans in the budget to use community benefits to provide equipment for a city department, say so at the discussion.

I would much prefer to hear the truth.

I hope that this project is a success and is monitored by local homeowners groups.

But I also hope that the next time an RFP (request for proposal) is going to be circulated, public comment is asked for ahead of time.