He Lathers Critic of Zirgulis

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Smith

Re “Another Zirgulis Wipeout?”

Dear Mr. Laase,

Excuse me if I don't know who you are.

My name is Robert Smith, founder of the Friends of the Culver City Natatorium, and one of the founding members of the Culver City Swim Club.

The Culver City Natatorium is not the place to be making light of anyone's campaign.

School Board candidate Robert Zirgulis has proven that he is dedicated to the community with each of his election bids.

His continued support of the Natatorium is nothing short of heroic.

To trivialize the efforts of Robert Zirgulis is, in effect, to completely dishonor the achievements of all the students who swam at the Natatorium and who were coached by Nestor Dordoni.
I will assume for now that your interest is in the greater good of the community.

Any continued attacks on Mr. Z will be considered personal and off-topic from here on.

If you are concerned about the CCUSD and our community, stick to the issues.

Your Humble Servant,

Mr. Smith may be contacted at friendsoftheccnatatorium@gmail.com