He Is Fed up with Beefs Over Red Light Cameras

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Alan Corlin

Re “Time to Give a Red Light to Those Vexing Red Light Cameras”

I have heard enough. Robert Zirgulis, you state in your latest blog posting that red light cameras “cause more accidents than they prevent.”

What proof do you have – in Culver City — that your statement is true? Show us your data. Culver City data. Not from Chicago or some other city, Culver City.

Running a red light is one of the most dangerous of all traffic infractions. That is why it carries one of the highest ticket amounts.

Quite frankly, if people want to run red lights with impunity, my opinion is “stay out of Culver City.”

Mr. Corlin, a two-term former City Council member, may be contacted at alan.corlin@gmail.com.