Greuel Looking for Donors – of Blood – for Her Friend’s Son

Letters to the EditorLetters

by Wendy Gruel

I want to put politics aside for a moment to tell you a story that, as a mom, breaks my heart.

A dear friend of mine has a son, Matthew, with a rare, life-threatening condition – aplastic anemia. Because of this illness, he has needed many blood transfusions over the last three years.

Despite these threats to his health, Matthew's spirit remains high. He's working towards his diploma, and is looking forward to his future.
Tomorrow, Matthew will undergo a bone marrow transplant at City of Hope hospital, where he'll remain for at least six weeks.

I'll be donating blood for Matthew at City of Hope. Will you commit to also donating blood this weekend, or in the coming weeks, so we can make a tremendous difference in his life, and in the lives of many sick young people?

Tomorrow's transplant could finally make Matthew well, but he's going to need many of us to step up to donate blood to see him through.
It's the same story for many other young people at City of Hope, and hospitals across Los Angeles – they need our support to survive.
Please support Matthew and the many sick young people who need our help – let's put politics aside and donate blood at City of Hope.
Here’s how you can schedule an appointment.

P.S. If you’re under 44 years old, please also consider joining the national bone marrow registry. You might be the perfect match to save someone’s life.

Ms. Greuel, the Los Angeles City Controller and candidate for mayor in the March 5 primary, may be contacted at