Goodmon Critic Claims the Light Rail Dispute Is Contrived

Letters to the EditorLetters

­­Re ‘Stand up for the Safety of Our Children,’ July 1.

What is Damien Goodmon asking of us?

Is he trying to create a solution that is looking for a problem?

There is no problem.

The MTA, the Expo Construction Authority and L. A. City Councilman Bernard Parks had it right the first time. The Blue and Gold lines pass within feet of schools and there has never been a problem.

If anything the light rail lines are used to take students to events and outings. The new Gold East L.A. Line passes within feet of one grammar, one middle and two high schools — and no one is objecting or even complaining.

Rail lines pass and have passed schools around the country for 150 years.

There aren’t groups of parents and educators who are objecting to the Expo Line to be built at grade passing the Foshey Learning Center and Dorsey High School, Only Damien Goodmon and the people he was able to agitate are concerned about the crossings.

I suggest that you visit the disputed crossings. See just how dangerous they will be.

Farmdale does not even rate a traffic signal. The students are in much more danger from being hit by a car than a train.

Why is Damien getting so much press for his Fix Expo? Maybe Damien wants to use this made-up battle to get recognized as a community leader.

So far he has cost all of us $350,000 in lawsuits. How much more will he and his group cost us in delays and much needed money?

Again the two crossings that are being considered are only problems in theminds of Damien and his followers. Not in the real world.