Glad That You Found a Support Group

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Nancy Knapp

Re “A Guy Can Change His Mind, Out of Necessity”

Ari Noonan’s article yesterday prompts this response. 

I am so happy that you found an ALS support group.  It will be immensely helpful to Diane.  You, too, will benefit from it. 

Diane's photo reveals a beautiful woman, inside and out. She is also courageous. 

It sounds as if you are still grieving, and that is understandable. 

Try as much as you can to enjoy each day that you have with Diane as a gift. 
Don't let that cloud hanging over you distract you. 

Little by little you will adapt to the demands of ALS.

Don't let it consume you now.  You continue in my prayers.

Ms. Knapp, whose husband died following a battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, may be contacted at