Fracking: Difference Between Hometown and State Taking Action

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Khin Khin Gyi, M.D.

Re “Maybe I Missed Something”

Thank you, Mr. Abrams, for your comments. 

To reiterate, I am drawing the distinction between local action and a petition for state action on fracking.  As a city, we have the power to pass a local city ordinance.  At the Culver City Democratic Club’s Candidates Forum, Mayor Jeff Cooper stated that he would defer to the county and state in enacting legislation against fracking

Earlier, at the Culver City Chamber of Commerce’s Candidates Forum, Mr. Cooper could also be seen relegating our health and safety concerns to the county and state  Christopher Patrick King knows that you begin locally by banning fracking in Culver City instead of waiting for Sacramento to do something.

Moreover, you, Mr. Abrams, make my point about the need for new leadership when you gave the example of the City of Los Angeles.  The Los Angeles City Council is only now taking action to place a moratorium on fracking in their city because several new progressive members were recently elected to the City Council.  This is why I support Mr. King for City Council on April 8. 

Dr. Gyi, M.D., Ph.D, a member of the Sierra Club and a board member of Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community, may be contacted at