Finally, I Have Found Common Ground with Mr. Smith

Letters to the EditorLetters

Re “Kudos to Our Solomon for His Farragut Proposal

Ken Smith of the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church and I have reached common ground when he states: “Nothing I nor Les Greenberg says … will have any bearing on [the City Council’s] decision” concerning permit-only parking restrictions on Farragut Drive.

But that is the problem.

City Councilperson Andrew Weissman wants to “strike the existing parking restrictions, [and] initiate a process by a petition from the neighbors on 10700 Farragut block. Its purpose would be to conduct a traffic study to determine what ultimately the parking restrictions ought to be.” That is an arbitrary — no facts necessary — exercise of governmental power. That would set a dangerous precedent for residents of Culver City. Which street’s residential-parking restrictions will be safe against businesses’ thirst for additional customer parking.

Mr. Smith and I still disagree where he states, “The matter will be decided by the City Council.” That may be true if the City Council abandons the issue. If Mr. Weissman can muster two additional votes in his attempt to “strike the existing parking restrictions,” then issues of his undisclosed conflicts-of-interest tainting the entire proceeding and arbitrary and capricious governmental action will be decided in court.

Enjoy concentrating on the almost everything you enjoy doing more. The Front Page will miss your comments.

However, in the interim, you have left us Farragut residents with a prolonged and time- consuming battle against City Hall when, as our dialogue has demonstrated, the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church has absolutely no need for additional parking space.

And if it does, it refuses to make any effort to ameliorate the situation without involving us. Thanks, Ken. Bye.

Mr. Greenberg may be contacted at