Exposing Secrets Inside Pasadena City College Family

Letters to the EditorLetters

by Anonymous 

Re “PCC Board Says It Does Not Care What the Public Thinks of Rocha”

[Editor’s Note: The writer signed himself as “a concerned Pasadena City College employee” who asked that his name not be used.]

Thank you for your article on the Pasadena City College situation. The Board of Trustees has decided to completely ignore Shared Governance at the college. It is allowing (President Dr. Mark) Rocha to let that disregard seep down through the administration to other committees and activities.

Unilaterally, the Board reversed a long-standing policy at the college last summer, eliminating any review of the President by constituent groups (such as Faculty) as part of his evaluation.

They think he is doing a great job. While Rome burned, they gave him a raise.

The Board unilaterally cancelled the Winter session – in spite of evidence that this calendar was working – for “student success,” and in spite of faculty and student requests that the process be more transparent and thought-through.

Initially, the reason given was to “save money.” That has not turned out to be the case. They lost enrollments. Now they have spent big bucks opening a new satellite campus in Rosemead to recuperate.

Rumor has it that this new program is not drawing sufficient enrollments, either. Dr. Rocha insists otherwise. You may have heard about the “Extended Spring” session that then became a “Summer I and Summer II” session when the college discovered the U.C.’s would not accept these credits for Fall 2013 transfer. When the program changed to “Summer,”  many students lost financial aid. They were dropped from the rosters. One fiasco after another.

It is my personal belief that the Board was so embarrassed by their choice of Paulette Perfumo as president (prior to Dr. Rocha), that they have decided to chain themselves to each other and to Dr. Rocha, come hell or high water.

The public speakers Gail Cooper, the college’s general counsel, refers to in her nearby letter were ancient, well-meaning citizens who were undoubtedly recruited by the Board or the PCC Foundation to come make statements.

They never have been seen before at Board meetings. They have not attended any since. Meanwhile, numerous members of the PCC community have gotten up during Public Comment, over and over, and asked the Board to explain, listen, consider, pay attention to, and assist with the many problems plaguing the campus. Ms. Cooper neglected to mention these speakers. There have been MANY more of them than of the “pro” Rocha side.

The college risks sanctions by the ACCJC accrediting team when they come in Fall 2014 as a result of the shared governance issue and the lack of collegiality on the campus. These issues have worsened under Dr. Rocha. There are committees active on campus now to try to mitigate this situation. Unless things are swept under the rug, it will be hard to ignore the elephant in the campus center.

Incidentally, the college’s general counsel is involved in a sexual harassment lawsuit. She is a principal party charged by a former employee. Other individuals on campus who have found themselves in similarly unfortunate situations have been put on leave. Yet there the general sits at her desk.

Monday’s story hit a nerve. If they are asking your newspaper not to mention the raise, it's because they are embarrassed by this cowardly act.

Thanks for sticking it to them.

Don't back down.

– A concerned college employee.