Elmont Gets to Vote After All, Following a Worker’s Explanation

Letters to the EditorLetters

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Elmont’s misfortune when he first attempted to vote this morning is recounted below in a story headlined “Voting Ain’t Easy in Culver City — Mayor and Loni Just Frustrated, Elm­ont Is Blocked.”]

Returning to my polling place at the Rotary Plaza this noon hour, not only was I able to cast my vote, but I was able to speak directly with the gentleman who caused my dilemma this morning.

Appropriately chagrined and self-chastised he explained to me that he had a power outage around 3 a.m., unbeknownst to him, causing his alarm clock to fail this morning.

Instead of arising at a timely hour to deliver the ballots and materials with which he was charged, he awoke to discover it was already 7:40.

Choked with the adrenaline rush that accompanies an “oh my gosh” experience, he rushed out to deliver.

His forthrightness was refreshing.

There was no pass the blame or victim attitude.

He said it was his fault, not intentionally, and he was embarrassed by the event.

The mistake acknowledged, I cast my ballot and thanked him and the others working the poll for their efforts.

I look forward to the results knowing my ballot is now cast.