Dems Offer Healthcare Truths at Club’s Next Meeting

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Bill Wynn

At our next monthly meeting, Wednesday, April 10, the Culver City Democratic Club will present a free screening of “The Healthcare Movie” followed by a discussion with Dr. Bill Honigman of Progressive Democrats of America.

This fascinating, 65-minute documentary, narrated by Kiefer Sutherland, tells the real story of how the healthcare system in Canada turned out so different from that in the United States.


  • How it originated.
  • How it works for ordinary Canadians.
  • How it is paid for.
  • How it compares to our American system.

After the movie, join Dr. Bill in a discussion of the true costs of “American Exceptionalism” in healthcare  and California's potential to lead the nation in implementing truly sustainable reform.

Dr. Bill has been a fulltime ER physician in Orange County for 25 years. He is a dedicated husband and father of two grown sons as well as a political activist on issues of economic and social justice.

Sponsored by Campaign for a Healthy California and Progressive Democrats of America.

We will meet, as usual, at 7 o’clock in the Rotunda Room of the Vets Auditorium,
4117 Overland Ave., Culver City.

Mr. Wynn, President of the Culver City Democratic Club, may be contacted at