Corlin Scolds Zirgulis for Lack of Evidence

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Alan Corlin

[Editor’s Note: The former City Councilman replies to former candidate Robert Zirgulis.]

Re “They Are Quarreling Again Over Redflex”

It is clear, Mr. Zirgulis, you do not have data on many statements you have made. If you did, you would not be trying to deflect my request for you to show us your “empirical data.”

You now make the statement that you are seeking a “full public accounting for the millions of dollars of red light money during the eight years (2000 to 2008) that (I) was on the Council.  The (red light camera) program that began in 1998 was on (my) watch.  Simple math:  average $1.25 million x 8 years = $10 million.”

The city budget is a public document. Every year it provides the community with a full accounting of city money. Mr. Zirgulis, show us where in the city budget there is a line item or items that add up to your statement that has to do with the red light camera system.

Yikes! You have made so many statements of fact that certainly you can let us know where one of them came from.

As for trying to drag me into the fray, Mr. Zirgulis I do not remember meeting anyone from Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc. outside of public meetings held in Council Chambers.

I voted for the red light camera system because I was made aware that it would cut down on the number of accidents at certain intersections in Culver City. It did. I was then and still am pleased  with my past vote. I believe we are all safer by having these 24/7 eyes in some of our intersections.

Mr. Zirgulis, show us the facts that back up your statements.

And by the way, what does the Natatorium have to do with the red light cameras? I am trying to figure out your line of reasoning. Does letting people know I like coffee ice cream help you with that? I guess minus the facts it could not hurt.

Mr. Corlin may be contacted at