Bloomfield Asks His Supporters to Write This Down and Help

Letters to the EditorLetters

Editor’s Note: Mounting a massive threat to the 38-year Washington career of U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Beverly Hills) in the newly redesigned 33rd District, Independent Bill Bloomfield is asking supporters to forward the following email to everyone they know or have heard of.

Here is what Mr. Bloomfield told his backers:

Friends: The election is two weeks away. Thanks to your help, we are well positioned to win. Having said that, we know the race is going to be extremely close; a few hundred votes could easily be the difference between winning and losing.

Here is how you can help: Take a few minutes and send the attached email to everyone in your address book who resides within the district. Feel free to edit it as you see fit or re-write it into your own words.

The proposed letter:

As you may know, I am supporting a close friend of mine, Bill Bloomfield, in his campaign for Congress. Bill is endorsed by former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan and many other community leaders. Importantly, I wanted to share with you my personal endorsement for Bill. Bill is a successful business owner who has created hundreds of jobs in California. He has balanced countless budgets. He is extremely concerned about a partisan and dysfunctional Congress that is not addressing the major issues facing our nation. He is passionate about fighting against the power that special interests have hijacked from the American public. Bill has always been an independent thinker. There’s been misinformation about Bill from the incumbent in this campaign, but I can tell you that Bill has consistently been fiscally responsible, socially progressive, extremely caring and philanthropic.

Seeing how damagingly partisan the political leaders had become, he left his prior party affiliation and became an Independent almost two years ago. As early as 2005, Bill went against both political parties and actively supported several voter reforms so our vote would count.

Two years ago, Bill became one of the co-founders of “No Labels,” a national organization dedicated to ending the hyper-partisanship that is paralyzing Washington, D.C. I was impressed to learn Bill was just awarded the “No Labels Problem-Solvers Seal of Approval” and invited to join their emerging “Problem-Solvers Bloc.” Bill joins this non-partisan group of lawmakers (Democrats, Republicans and Independents) who are dedicated to working across the aisle to find effective, principled and pragmatic solutions to our country’s problems.

Bill’s philanthropy is unparalleled. He has been a Rotarian for over 30 years and serves on several local charitable boards (in the South Bay), including Junior Achievement, Healing Hands of Joy, and a charter school. Improving education is another passion of Bill’s. He is a sponsor of “StudentsFirst,” an education reform group founded to improve the academic performance of students. He believes in increased educational funding supported with system-wide accountability. Always trying to make a difference, he created a program that has helped catch perpetrators of gang violence, still in use by the city of Santa Ana today.

Importantly, Bill is concerned about the growing threat to the U.S. and Israel from Iran’s nuclear ambitions. For many years, he has been a key supporter of the Foundation for Defense of the Democracies’ efforts to keep Israel safe.

When I think about Bill doing all of this as a private citizen, I’m not only impressed, I know that he is the best candidate to represent our area in Congress. To learn more about Bill, visit his website, www.BloomfieldforCongress.Com. I think you’ll see not only why I’m proud to call him my friend, but also that he is a respected leader who has the background, experience and fortitude to help fix a broken Congress and get our country moving forward. This is why I'm supporting and voting for Bill Bloomfield.