Air Out of Laase’s Balloon? ‘Missing’ Statement Is There

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Arthur Day

Re “What You Are Not Being Told Will Bite You”

I used to think George Laase’s yelling into the wind with his drumbeat against the School District’s Measure CC was a noble, if not lonely, position to stake out.

However, I now feel the air is out of Mr. Laase’s balloon, and his goal is to be an obstructionist.

In his latest commentary, he claims that the tax rate statement is missing from this debate.

Any voter who takes the time to read the sample ballot provided by the County registrar of voters easily can read in the County Counsel’s Impartial Analysis that the highest tax rate to fund the bonds is $48 per $100,000 of assessed valuation.

It is right there. Just look, Mr. Laase.

Mr. Day may be contacted at