A Vigorous Yes on CC, Says Eyewitness to Disrepair

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Annette Morasch

I am a mother of a current first grader at Farragut Elementary. Recently I went on a tour of the Culver City High School and the Middle School with Asst. Supt. Mike Reynolds of the School District. The disrepair I witnessed was astonishing. Tiles falling from the ceilings, peeling paint, water damage and termite damage. Why, in this community, are we allowing our children to go to school in this environment?

Culver City residents need to raise funds through a bond to address our schools' extensive needs. There really isn't any way they can be addressed out of its operational budget.

As a homeowner, I have seen first-hand how my property value has increased, due in no small part to our otherwise excellent schools.

I ask that all Culver City residents join me in voting Yes on Measure CC on Tuesday.

Ms. Morasch, Esq., may be contacted at annettemorasch@gmail.com