A Salute to Paspalis and Chardiet for Bond Measure Stance

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Alan Corlin

Re “When in Roam, Do as Mr. Corlin Does – Stay Loose”

[img]1988|right|Alan Corlin||no_popup[/img]The reason we are discussing the condition of the Culver City schools has a lot to do with Prop. 13.

As the two School Board members who voted on July 1 for the bond measure procedure to continue,  Kathy Paspalis and Laura Chardiet understood that.

An unintentional consequence of Prop. 13 was the gutting of school coffers.

I can certainly understand the reasoning behind the proposition.

California homeowners were being forced out of their homes due to their inability to afford rising property taxes at the same time their equity was increasing.

There never is a good time to raise taxes, promote a parcel tax or burden homeowners with a bond measure.

In my opinion Culver City homeowners have to balance that truism against the benefit of having enjoyed lower property taxes for decades.

Someone once said, “You can pay me now or you can pay me later.”

We are living in those “later” times now.

Anytime there is a major decision to be made, one can always say that “just one more bit of information is needed.”

I commend Ms. Paspalis and Ms. Chardiet for understanding the need to proceed with the bond and let the voters of Culver City make an informed choice.

Mr. Corlin, former mayor of Culver City, may be contacted at ad747@lafn.org