A Father Ponders the Essence of Open-Mindedness

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Mario Ferrara 

Re “A Red, White and Blue Weekend for Heroes and Patriots”

I very much enjoyed talking with you and Diane. 

Your mind and empathy are formidable assets that should keep you both safe from despair. 

I wish this for you and Diane.  God is Good.

I like a statement that I happened upon many years back — “He who says he knows, knows not. He who says he knows not, knows.” 

Another lesson that we have passed on to our children is “neither believe, nor dis-believe.”  This is the essence of open-mindedness. All prejudgment falls away.

My reading material has focused on literature that has stood the test of time. 

Cults rise and fall, while the great religions endure with the strength of practical customs and basic truths while they try to teach the meaning of life.

All of those old religions/philosophies have something to say to us.

You have always been a fighter.  Never, ever give up.  Your world is a beautiful place. You have many blessings along with your trials.  Enjoy your time here.

You must believe that everything is due to past causes. Throw everything into the ocean: not only favorable events and adversities, and your failures and successes, but even life and death. Do not be worried or afraid. Gather up your body and mind, turn your awareness around and reflect within on the fundamental meditation point: Who is reciting the buddha-name? This is the most important thing to remember!

— Master Chu-hung,
(1535-1615) Zen Master

Mr. Ferrara, father of the late Lt. Matt Ferrara, husband and Linda Ferrara, and a lifetime student of philosophy, may be contacted at Lindaferrara@aol.com