A Candidate Apologizes

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Gary Abrams

Re “Plagiarism Charged to Council Candidate”

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Abrams is a candidate for the City Council in the April 8 election.]

Dear Readers,

I apologize, and again I make no excuse for the omission of the most important words of my letter, “I subscribe to the Tarek M. Baydoun’s school of thought,” published in in this newspaper last week.

I have laid awaken many of nights, and I have missed some meals since while thinking about it.

I found another article on the internet that I would like to share with you.

Plagiarism in Politics: The New Philosophy of Forgiveness in the Borrowing of Other People's Work.
Political Candidates and Notable People Usually Survive the Backlash.

It is by Greg Brian, Yahoo Contributor Network.

The point is that most people today appear to just want to be inspired when reading and listening to an inspiring speech. They don't worry about the inevitable collisions of overused phrases and words. Mind you, I am not talking about lifting an entire work by someone else for the sake of profit and stature.

Let’s move on and talk about real issues.

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com