Victorville Daily Press Defies the Tide with Singular Courage

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

A little word association game. If I were to tell you that only one Southern California newspaper carried the biggest national political story of the week, if all of your tires are filled, you naturally would guess “Los Angeles Times.”

With such an obvious setup, you know instinctively that would be the wrong answer.

The Victorville Daily Press ran the firecracker story this morning on Page 1 under a four-column headline.

Living on the Westside, you may never have heard of the Victorville Daily Press. I remember driving through Victorville in the ‘60s, and that was the last time I thought about the desert community that is 90 miles northeast of Los Angeles.

The Story

It seems, dear readers, that He Who Is Without Sin, the Democratic candidate for President, that sly fellow, has been employing a little sleight of hand on the gullible electorate, saying one thing in public and something not only different but illegal when he thought no one was looking.

The nub: He Who is trying desperately to sneak through an unlawful deal behind the country’s back — cheating even before he wins or loses the election.

Egomaniac that he is, He Who is trying to stack the deck to hijack credit for ending the Iraqi War.

Let’s not go into the 20 months of Obama baloney he has been spreading on the campaign trail, the four or five different timetables he has presented for ending the war. Instead, let’s concentrate on this blockbuster development.

You probably never have heard a hint of this news — thanks to exquisite co-operation with the Democratic campaign by the Obama cheerleaders in the mainstream media.

Here is the story on which the alert and courageous little Daily Press beat the stuffings out of the Times, out every other newspaper in the state and out of nearly every newspaper west of Manhattan.

The first 74 words of a 233-word Daily Press rewrite of the story that Amir Taheri of the New York Post broke this week:

During an overseas tour in July, Sen. Barack Obama urged senior Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement with the United States to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq, according to a published report.

In a copyrighted story, The New York Post reported that in talks with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama demanded that Iraq delay any troop withdrawal agreement with the United States until after the U.S. presidential election in November.

Staggering, isn’t it?

While publicly Mr. Obama tells campaign crowds he wants to bring the troops home within 16 months, when no one was looking two months ago, Mr. Obama, with shocking chutzpah tantamount to breaking the law, tried to make an illicit deal with the Foreign Minister to keep the troops in place until after he takes over the White House in order to gain credit.

Boffo story, as any child could see.


Not if you are a nervous liberal reporter anywhere in the country and desperately want Messiah Sr., the Anointed One, to fulfill his heaven-sent destiny by winning the White House.

Pretty darned big news for the whole media to ignore.

Takes Courage

How did the story wend from its point of origin to Victorville, a community of 104,000 that is 90 miles out of Los Angeles?

Enterprise, my friends, fearless, eye-contact enterprise.

The lads and lassies in the mainstream media who want He Who Is Without Sin to be the next President shamefully averted their gaze when the stunning story turned up early Monday in the New York Post.

The Drudge Report, America’s most reliable source for daily news, spotted the story and promptly linked to it. That should have set off a firestorm among serious reporters. But the left-wing sourpusses in the media put a thumb in each ear and walked away. The better to chase down another still another phony story about Sarah or Mr. McCain.

Since the Associated Press, the main wire service in this country, froze out the story — as did the Washington Post, The New York Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Boston Globe — the brave Victorville Daily Press, a libertarian newspaper with a 30,000 circulation, became a national model for journalistic resourcefulness by scrambling and publishing it.

Look up Victorville

To say it differently, if you want to know what is going on in the world — especially with He Who Is Trying to Fool You, check out the Victorville Daily Press online.

And here is the clincher. Their bravery today was no fluke. Two years ago, when virtually every left-wing newspaper editor in the world dove under his desk, Ted Cooke-style, when the Danish Muslim cartoons were making the rounds, the Victorville Daily Press, probably alone in Western America, ran the cartoons, in the name of honest, objective journalism — the opposite of the type practiced by the cowering lefties in Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta and every other burg of consequence.