[Editor’s Note: See Editor’s Essay, May 22: “Greed Gone Wild — The Times Loans a Wink to Ms. Deadbeat. Will She Pay It Back?”]
Over the holiday weekend, impressive investigative reporting by the Daily Breeze, to a level that is unusual for a small-town newspaper, turned up the news that U.S. Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Long Beach) has defaulted on 3 homes in 3 cities in recent months.
That is a record whose ambitious proportions would challenge the talents of even a professional amateur crook who hustles while the world sleeps.
Ms. Richardson has been a busy little deadbeat.
No regrets. No apologies. No embarrassment. Just a chest-puffing sense of entitlement.
Whose Pants Are on Fire?
Between last Wednesday and Friday, she was caught in more defeats of the truth than Bill Clinton when he was denying his Monica affair a decade ago.
Ms. Richardson has let homes in Long Beach, San Pedro and Sacramento go into default. That would test the outer moral limits of even the loosest liberal.
One explanation appears to be that she bounced from the Long Beach City Council to the state Assembly to the U.S. Congress in a year’s time. Unable to raise money for campaigning in each instant, she loaned to herself monies that apparently should have gone to the banks for the shady empire the old girl seemed to be building.
I know. Speak softly. She is a Democrat, and loud sounds disturb her delicate sensitivities, even if her morals were fished out of the gutter.
Would Little Lady Like to Try No. 4?
Ms. Richardson seems to be trying out for a fourth title, The Sleaziest Long Beach Deadbeat Ever to Fool the Public.
When you talk to this slippery woman, you better put gloves on your tongue.
This is the repulsive person who last year told Long Beach voters they should choose her over her Hispanic opponent because she is black.
The second most revealing lines from reporter Gene Maddaus’s story in the Breeze were these gems:
“She offered no apologies for failing to make payments on three separate homes, and expressed no regret for failing to pay nearly $9,000 in property taxes.”
This entitled, arrogant sleazeball had the gall to laugh it off with the line that everybody else is doing it.
Said “Little” Ms. Tuffet who sat on a wide, wide Muffet, lapping up her perks without pay:
“I am not financially wealthy,” she said. “…Based upon what I was going through, changing four jobs in less than a year, I think any American would understand what that does in terms of a person’s financial stability.”
By golly whillickers, Murgatroyd, like a good liberal, Ms. Deadbeat says her sins are not her fault. Somebody, anybody, everybody else is to blame.
The Times That Try Men’s Souls
To purveyors of news, it is no surprise that the media giant of Southern California, discreetly, has not whispered a word of this disgrace to its readers.
Ms. Richardson is black, female and a Democrat. Bingo. To the editors at the Los Angeles Times, this is known as hitting the jackpot, winning the lottery, boys and girls — three reasons to keep her voter-fooling exploits out of print.
Therefore, her scandalous behavior is deemed unworthy of the Los Angeles Times, which tries to restrict its crime reporting to non-liberals.
Times officials live in fear of backlash from both the Muslim and black communities, reducing the newspaper’s reporting of those cultures to a timid, child-like level. Hispanics do not yet intimidate the Times enough to affect the newspaper’s already wobbly integrity.