Not by accident did the chair of the Obama Pre-Emptive Strike Goon Squad finger U.S. Rep. John Lewis to make this weekend’s They Will Swallow Anything attack on the McCain campaign.
The parallels between the 68-year-old Georgia Congressman and U.S. Sen. Obama are striking.
Their Achievement Buckets in politics are empty.
And my goodness, do they love to charge race-baiting, all while giggling to themselves about how deftly they have drawn that special fabric once again over the eyes of you-know-who.
Even with the dainty documentation that has been done on Mr. Obama’s hollow professional life, it is clear that he is no candidate for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, much less a seat on the Punxatawney Town Council.
You know that Mr. Lewis’ Accomplishment Calendar is equally vacant when, after 21 years in Congress, his single identifying mark is as a” leader” of the civil rights movement more than 40 years ago. Like Mr. Obama, he has been a fixture in an empty chair.
Coach Obama Scores Again
And now we turn to human nature.
Just as an athletic team with a supposedly comfortable lead cannot resist jacking the score higher, Mr. Obama was not content this weekend with his steadily increasing lead in the polls.
With his troubled goons from Acorn legally tied up in a whopping 10 states defending themselves against voter registration fraud probes, Mr. Obama reached for the jugular on Saturday by dispatching one of the most volatile and least busy members of Congress to toss a racial bomb just to see where it would land.
You have read many places that Mr. Obama is smart, nobody’s fool. He did not just run his finger through a telephone directory until he came to Mr. Lewis’ name.
Mr. Lewis is described as a “hero” of the civil rights movement, although by many accounts, at best he was a second- or third-tier figure. Nevertheless, this unbreakable mantle provides him with sacred stature, meaning that to criticize him is to invalidate the civil rights movement. Therefore, Mr. Lewis is as insulated from blowback as He Who Is Without Sin.
You may call this the Perfect Campaign.
A Body of Lies
In the post-election debates next month, this sly move is likely to be regarded as yet another crucial one.
In a supposedly pre-emptive gesture that actually was brashly intended to plant a big, fat seed of doubt, Mr. Obama said, away back in the beginning of his campaign, that race — his — would decide the election.
Now if I tell you a girl you just have begun dating is a known liar, you will become wary. Subsequently, the information will color all vaguely suspicious situations that arise, and no doubt affect the denouement of your relationship.
This is exactly the predicament that Mr. Obama cleverly has designed for the unfortunate, and obviously innocent, Mr. McCain.
Mr. McCain has not come within a mile of talking about race. But picky, picky. Mr. Obama has manipulated the charge that the Republican and his running mate indeed have, and his secretaries — sycophants, if you prefer — at all but about two big-city newspapers have written down every word, as if they were guileless children, which many are.
The nasty Mr. Lewis would dip into the Obama campaign’s They Will Swallow Anything bag and pulled out a rather desperate-sounding 11th hour race card.
Desperate, even though, according to polls, he holds his biggest lead?
This would not make sense in a normal campaign. Perhaps Mr. Obama’s advisors are wracked by two worries they are loathe to admit:
• Their support is soft.
• Too many hired operatives involved in their immensely phony voter registration drives are liable to get bagged before Nov. 4.
Since race is the only commodity that sells better than sex — and this season’s sex charges from the 1970s against Mr. McCain have fallen flat — Mr. Obama’s single option, reactivating the ugly race card, was too juicy to resist.
Since Mr. Lewis wasn’t doing anything on Saturday, or on any other day since 1987 as far as we can tell, he would try to clobber Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin over their heads with the crudest brick he could find, charging them with imitating the most famous Democratic race-baiter of modern times, the late Gov. Wallace.
The preposterous charge came from nowhere, a slick gesture Mr. Obama repeatedly has mastered better than any other in his largely unadorned, undistinguished and unexplored, professional life.
Admittedly, Mr. Lewis, thrilled to be back in the limelight, did not have grounds for his insidious charges. But hey, guys, these are new times. This is America, land of the free-to-make-any-accusation-you-want, especially about race.
Guaranteed Winner
Such accusations are guaranteed to scar because when race charges are lowered, rational persons assume there must be some basis for the charge, even if just a speck.
All the Obama campaign had to do was to get the media to go along with them.
Since the Los Angeles Obama Times, The New York Obama Times and the Washington Obama Post have a private wager among themselves to see who can put their guy over the top first next month with the most aggressive anti-McCain reporting, presto, the newest baloney trick was a cinch to click.
All six stories on the McCain campaign in Sunday’s Los Angeles Obama Times were negative, and the two on Obama were negative.
I was so shocked that Diane had to pour ice water over my perplexed brow to revive me.
Batten down, boys.
The grunion runs of earlier years have been overthrow by the goon runs of the Obama years.
Times Finally Got Something Right
On Friday, The New York Times, finally taking the hint from far more sensible journalists, ran a lengthy account of the fraudulent voter registration drives across the country by the bullet-proof goons of the Obama campaign.
Bombshell, yes?
Silly boy.
The Times hid the remarkable story with the flaccid follow-up on Page 22. It reminded me of a recent dinner-hour conversation. “I killed my mother with an axe last Thursday,” said my companion, “so are you going to have check or steak or fish?”
At least we know who the chicken is, don’t we?
The laughably phony names, dredged up by Acorn and other Obama goons, have been out there for months. But the sallies into slimy territory do not seem to have touched He Who Is Without Sin.