Stickiest hometown political story of the week is the financial mess that the frequently embarrassing Laura Richardson has created for herself.
While it was banner headline news elsewhere yesterday afternoon and this morning, the Times predictably took a pass on the story because Ms. Laura, a fast-moving, race-baiting Member of Congress this week, is a Democrat,. The Times is sworn to cover up for Dems who do dumb, illegal or immoral things.
Girls Will be Girls?
Seems that Ms. Deadbeat bought a house in Cowtown and then blew it off — just as the Times does with stories about miscreant Democrats.
Two weeks ago, according to published reports, Ms. Deadbeat lost her home in a foreclosure auction. Weeks after purchasing it in January of last year, she stopped making payments.
Possibly she did this because by springtime she was running in a fiercely contested special election, was unable to raise much money, and loaned herself $77,500, which probably should have gone to the bank in mortgage payments.
The Daily Breeze reported this morning that the bank issued a default notice on Ms. Richardson’s Sacramento home in December. The bank sold it on May 7 to a Sacramento real estate broker named James York for $388,000, about $150,000 less than the curious little lady “paid” for it, although “paid” may be a slipshod term.
Ms. Richardson, who is nearly as slow with her wallet as she is fast with her hot-tempered tongue, hoped nobody would notice.
The Daily Breeze reported that Little Ms. Tuffet, Who Sat on a Muffet Eating Her Perks and Whey, denied that her abandoned home was in foreclosure and denied that the bank had seized her abandoned home.
It is not known whether Ms. Tuffet stepped down daintily from her deadbeat muffet to also deny that today is May 22.
The Journalist Who Made the Discovery
In a well-documented piece of research, Editor Anthony York of the Capital Weekly of Sacramento
relates in his copyrighted account a stunning tale of arrogance and entitlement about the greedy Ms. Richardson of Long Beach.
Mr. York writes:
“The story of the foreclosure of Long Beach Democrat Laura Richardson's Sacramento home is a tale of a real estate market gone sour. It is also an illustration of how far many candidates will go to seek elected office, even if it means quite literally mortgaging their own financial future.
“While being elevated to Congress in a 2007 special election, Richardson apparently stopped making payments on her new Sacramento home, and eventually walked away from it, leaving nearly $600,000 in unpaid loans and fees.”
One culprit in this smelly story may be that the little lady kept moving from job to job, and she may have forgotten where she left her darned house. The way the rest of us misplace keys.
In a blur of months that lasted only slightly longer than overnight, Ms. Richardson, in a single bound, leaped from the Long Beach City Council to the State Assembly to the U.S. Congress.
Elected to the Assembly in November of ’06, days later she bought a $535,000 home — with no down payment.
Weeks later, U.S Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-Long Beach) died. Breathing hard, Ms. Richardson pounced on the opening to run for the suddenly vacant seat.
Shall We Have a Race About Race?
As a sideshow, Ms. Richardson ran against state Sen. Jenny Oropeza (D-Long Beach) for the chance to pull off an unassisted triple play, from Long Beach to Sacramento to Washington, skipping town before anybody knew she had stiffed lenders and left a trail of bills.
Since there was no difference between the political convictions of the two liberals, and since she could not play the Hillary Card (Mama, the boys are picking on me again), Ms. Richardson lunged at Ms. Oropeza’s only remaining vulnerability.
Ms. Richardson played the ugly Cynthia McKinney Card, and it worked.
Assuming the posture of the volatile anti-Semitic Georgia politician, Ms. Richardson told Long Beach voters they should choose her because she was black and the Hispanic Ms. Oropeza was not.
As a former philosopher, Ms. Richardson shed the Rodney King mantra, “Why can’t we all get along?” in favor of the personally more appealing and irresistibly collegial, “For golly’s gosh-darn sakes. Why the heck can’t all you idiot Long Beach voters get along with me?”
Rising for Ladies Only
In what will stand, for now, as the nifty denouement for this shabby story of greed gone wild, Mr. York of the Capital Weekly wrote in his exclusive report:
“While Richardson walked away from her bank loan, she has begun to pay herself back for the money she personally invested in her initial race. Records show that Richardson spent $587,000 out of her Congressional campaign committee since declaring her Congressional candidacy through March of this year. Of those expenditures, Richardson has spent $18,000 of that money to begin repaying herself for the money Richardson loaned to her campaign.”
If we stand when ladies enter the room, I think we can sit when Ms. Tuffet sidles in. We can say that we are bankers, and she will make herself vanish.