Both of my ears perked to attention last night when the moderator asked Gov. Palin to assay blame for the financial crisis.
“Predatory lenders,” was her answer, disappointing because while that was correct, it was incomplete.
What, I wondered, about the unemployed and the barely working boobs? When will they finally be blamed for their culpability?
These boobs and boobettes have been buying homes as if they were candy bars, homes they could not possibly afford even if they could summon their lifetime earnings and place the money on the table at one time
Personal responsibility is an enormous moral value that our liberal friends conveniently forget.
As an ideology, the Left probably would disappear without its vast “victim” constituency. Doesn’t it seem to you that they regard every non-Republican beneath millionaire status as a “victim”?
St. Poor on His Way to Heaven
As a standard-issue, unimaginative leftist, Sen. Biden seamlessly shifted into automatic gear once again last night in probably half of his responses. He could not help himself in patronizing and simultaneously absolving the poor.
Like a windup doll, he larded his answers by rhapsodizing about those legendary practitioners of the liberal-defined art of victimology, the sainted “working poor” and “working families.”
“Working families” and “working poor” are insulated from criticism because they are “poor,” leftists tell us, which makes them eligible to wear halos and live sin-free — responsibility-free — for the rest of their lives.
All other persons who walk the earth are vulnerable to criticism. Isn’t it ironic that the religion-allergic Left should tell us that the hallowed “poor” are God’s special children.
As Sen. Biden lectured us several times last night, it is not fair to God’s special children that some of us should be well off and the rest of us “poor.” Therefore a socialist-type government of Obama-Biden would excavate that old socialist wheeze and redistribute the wealth in the name of “fairness.”
Biden Just Bidin’ His Time
A tip of my fedora to Sen. Biden. After 36 years in Congress, he was able to keep a straight face when he actually characterized redistribution as “fairness,” and then denied Gov. Palin’s charge that this was one of the elderly scams from the leftist playbook.
Ask yourself: Does Sen. Biden really believe it is “unfair” that some hard-working people accumulate wealth and many others do not? I am confident the answer is yes. He is so gaffe-prone that if it were not the truth, it would have spilled out before now. A pity that his victim mentality has terribly poisoned his sense of reasoning.
The dreary Left’s obsessive hatred of people who earn good or lofty livings — they make an exception in Hollywood — endlessly fascinates me. Leftists think socialistically, like union toadies — whether you drive a truck, bag groceries or run the darned company, everyone should earn the same salary.
It was no accident that the conservative Gov. Palin was irresistibly upbeat during last night’s debate in pointed contrast to the usually congenial and ultra-liberal Sen. Biden. He was markedly grim. Their debate faces were precise metaphorical representations of their world outlook rather than reflections of their personalities.
Keep on Fooling the Gullible
Which brings us to the saddest news of the day, another abandonment of individual responsibility by another crowd of liberals.
If you are poor or a minority, the best-known mantra of the Left goes, you are a lifetime victim. Therefore, no matter how loosely you behave, you are insulated, not accountable for any actions.
This tale belongs in the category of Boobs and Boobettes Who Never Learn — Even Before the Pain of the Present Crisis Has Been Fully Absorbed.
I thought it was a joke this morning, the Page 1 headline in the new edition of the weekly Los Angeles Sentinel:
“Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa intends to make housing available to all the citizens of Los Angeles.”
Straight out of the socialist playbook of would-be President Obama — everybody will have everything he desires in life, as soon as we take it away from those darned rich guys.
What Were Editors Thinking?
The smartest farmer and academic I know of between here and San Francisco is Prof. Victor Davis Hanson. He said of the Presidential campaign: One must be puerile or gullible to support Mr. Obama.
Here is gargantuan gullibility in action, on the front page of the Sentinel, whose writings, I am sure, are trusted and believed by many sincere black readers.
As for the Sentinel’s lead story, please consider this sufficient warning:
Any grownup who would believe a single utterance of Mayor I Love Me is a fool.
We have not yet hit bottom on the present financial crisis, and the puerile editors of the Sentinel are trying to convince the most naive of their readers that despite the national financial emergency, they can continue to move into housing far beyond their means. If it does not work out, hey, it’s the fault of predatory lenders. Besides, who cares? Just keep your victim card handy.