While the dingy Indian mommy out in Claremont gains calculated media attention for bragging that her ancestors taught us how to scalp tickets, let us talk this afternoon about the psychotically secretive Muslim gentlemen who skulk down Washington Boulevard to pray and conduct other fascinating business inside of the mysterious King Fahad Mosque.
Yesterday was a bad day for the boys at the notorious Culver City mosque and their terrorist pals with Culver City ties. Remember, two of the Sept. 11 hijackers were associated with the King Fahad’s bloody hands.
The Muslim Mafia, which could destroy the true Mafia, without a trace, in less than 30 minutes, took a hit — largely ignored by the media — from the occasionally effective legal machinery of our government.
In a huge victory for the Bush Administration, five despicable, terrorism-enabling Muslims were convicted of all 108 counts brought against them in a Dallas courtroom. They figure to be in prison for perhaps half of the 15- and 20-year sentences they face.
In the sewer-like world of Muslim terrorism, this decision is the scantiest blip. Muslims churn out bad guys at the same pace, and with the same mindless lack of concern, that a Coke bottling factory manufactures six-packs.
Listen Closely
However, the mass convictions are important to you, to me and especially to Culver City, psychologically and symbolically. While the leading newspapers and television networks were looking the other way, fawning over Mr. Obama, these Culver City-connected extremists worked in plain view to violently wipe out our way of life and replace it with Sha’ria law.
The government has been chasing these vile men for 15 years over a goofy-sounding, but deadly serious and effective, concoction, the now-defunct Holy Land Foundation. The phony Foundation channeled millions of American dollars to fellow terrorists in the Middle East to kill off Jews, especially unsuspecting innocent Jews.
By the darnedest coincidence, the Holy Land Foundation — linked to the King Fahad Mosque — organized in the late1980s, exactly when skulking Palestinians were putting together the Hamas terrorist group that so many American and European liberals genuflect before. In the beginning, this snappy little group was known as the Occupied Land Foundation, but that was deemed too volatile.
The Killers from Hamas
Choosing my verbs carefully, the thugs of Hamas executed a hostile takeover of the Gaza Strip a year ago last June and drove the hapless 1.8 million imprisoned, purposely impoverished fellow Arabs deeper into the garbage can of life, just as the late Arafat had foreseen.
Now that Hamas and the other Arab terrorist group in the neighborhood, Hezbollah, both are running authentic governments, embarrassed liberal print and electronic have to twist twist themselves into politically correct positions to avoid calling these sewer rats sewer rats.
For decades, American journalists passively, unswervingly have followed the lead of The New York Times on every important, politically sensitive subject.
You Lead, We Emulate
In the early 1990s, the Times, world journalism’s liberal lighthouse, was only briefly stumped about how to present the Muslim sewer rats in a respectable light to the cream of mankind.
“Terrorists,” the editors said with a shiver, “sounds so darned judgmental.” And then an unrecorded person, possibly a copyboy, leaped to his young feet and said, “I’ve got it. ‘Militants.’ They are merely Muslim militants — has an alliterative ring, yes? Nothing pejorative about the term. ‘Militancy’ simply is understood to be high-powered passion, and it is completely devoid of moral judgment.”
The term “terrorist” is treated as delicately by fumble-fingered liberal journalists as if they were daring to call gay bys and girls straight.
Boys Will Be Assassins
To this day, with the exception of the Washington Times and possibly a couple of others, terrorists are strategically, with utter political correctness, labeled as “militants,” as if they were funloving frat boys all het up over their favorite college football team instead of monstrous killers.
Most liberal journalists in America yesterday were too busy throwing their arms around Mr. Obama’s neck and making goo-goo eyes at him to digest or assess the meaning of the surprise convictions in Dallas.
Isn’t it amazing that this politically inconvenient story has been broken into two equal parts?
Fifty percent is the Muslim radicals’ campaign to bring down the United States. The other 50 percent is that nearly all of America’s journalists, in puppy love with Mr. Obama, see this as a flimsy narrative, no more significant than the accident I witnessed last night at the dinner hour at Washington and Overland.
Keeping Their Stories Straight
Despite the constant global acts of terrorism perpetrated by Muslims on a daily basis, liberal journalists impatiently shrug at the fuss some of us make because, crucially, terrorism belatedly came of age during a Republican administration.
We have a tautology. The proportion of peril claimed by the Bush White House is exaggerated because Mr. Bush is a Republican, and Republicans routinely exaggerate, we are taught in public schools, in our newspapers and on television.
As far as I can tell, only two newspapers covered this story — the hometown Dallas Morning News and The New York Times.
The Los Angeles Times, which cowers in bug-eyed fear of Muslim extremists targeting, or worse, bombing, the newspaper, sloughed off the story. In their best reductive form, they ran a toothless, context-free Associated Press story on page A-12. As a matter of policy, the Times does not run wire-service stories on A-1. This gave the newspaper a handy alibi for hiding the convictions.
A Tramp Not Named Charlie Chaplin
Only technically was The New York Times on the scene, using a freelancer who was the equivalent of a journalistic tramp. I hope, however, to get acquainted with this tramp, Gretel Kovach between now and the day I die. If she writes my obituary, I am bound to sound like the most terrific journalist to have trod the earth since Henry James. This little girl knows how to turn a story upside down and spill it all over the floor.
The regrettable Ms. Kovach wrote a distorted 903-word story because, you see, The New York Times fears reprisals by Muslim radicals as much as the Los Angeles Times does.
Contextually bare, I could have mistaken her piece for the aforementioned sideswiping last evening at Washington and Overland. More than one-third of Ms. Kovach’s story was turned over to the terrorists and their sympathizers, to deny their guilt. Just four sentences were devoted to the winning U.S. side of the verdict. Liberals call this fair and balanced.