Dems Urged to Migrate — to Polls

Ari L. NoonanOP-ED

How Documentation Affects Families

One piece of data that Mr. Huerta introduced was particularly startling. He said he hoped it will motivate Westside liberals to go to the polls in 90 days: Ninety percent of Latino families in this country are of mixed status. To put it differently, 9 of every 10 Hispanic families count illegal immigrants among their members. Mr. Huerta, a slight, bespectacled, gray-suited, fast-talking young man who grew up first-generation American in East Los Angeles, purported to show that immigrants are almost irreplaceably valuable to the country. He provided data suggesting “immigrants pay into the system more than they use in services,” and face obstacles unique to their status. Assertions were made that immigrant-headed households contribute $2679 annually to Social Security, some $539 more than the average native-led household. Further, it was claimed that nearly 40 percent of foreign-born Californians are U.S. citizen, a disputed number. Of 8.8 million foreign-born Californians, 3.3 million are legal permanent residents.

Logic Not Always the Winner

Ms. Brown said that while every American acknowledges that securing the borders is the No.1 immigration priority, “what should we do about the people who are here? About 12 to 18 million undocumented immigrants are here. Two-thirds have been here five years or more.” They are logistically established as Americans, Ms. Brown said, but they have no place to go. “Remedies” do not offer strong hope, she mused. “The perception is that if you are here illegally, dang it, you should become legal. But it is very difficult. Some people say, or believe, if you are here 10 years, you get your papers. But there is no such law. I tell my clients to wait, and I tell you to support immigration reform…” 

Clubbing Becomes Fun

Hardly anyone has as much fun at Democratic Club meetings as the President, Tom Camarella, and his wife, the Second Vice President, Ronnie Jayne. Pacing the large, round room all evening, Mr. Camarella cuts a distinctive figure — from his generous shock of gray hair parted in the middle, contrasted against his scarlet face and royal blue tee-shirt that urges tee-shirt readers to “Take America Back, Vote Democratic.” The couple’s wit-based, fast-paced patter would shake a dead man awake. They promote club participation and skip hand-in-hand through marketing pitches that appear to be as entertaining as they are informative. Longtime club leader Diane Rosenberg — in the company of her recovering husband Herb — reported that club membership is at 287. Prompted by a question from Brian Pogue, Greg Valtierra, the First Vice President, said 11,000 registered Democrats live in Culver City. Mr. Valtierra said the club’s goal is to recruit 3 percent of the 11,000, which would raise membership to 350. A major Democratic Club promotion is scheduled for next weekend. On Friday, Aug. 18, at 8 p.m., at Steinway Hall in Wes L.A., 12121 W. Pico Blvd., standup comic Marc Maron of Air America radio (KTLK, 1150 AM), and satirist/songwriter Maria Cain will headline a fundraiser. Information is available at…