[Editor’s Note: Ms. Stein is the younger daughter of Diane Agate, who died early Friday evening.]
Oh so grateful and fortunate are we, to have a mother such as thee.
Regardless of the lack we have to show,
It was you who taught us how to grow.
To have strength and wisdom throughout our life to endure painful times of strife.
We have sometimes made you feel as though you failed, but on the contrary, you have prevailed.
For it was through your supportive nurture that we were able to express our true nature.
You gave us your good virtue and generosity, which we can now share with our society.
We have a great deal of love for our mother, and we could never wish for any other.
Thank you for loving us the way you do, we are only here because of you.
Ms. Stein may be contacted at samismama@gmail.com
One Comment on ““A Daughter’s Tribute””
thank you Sanda, it is was lovely