Weissman Campaign on Fire with New Endorsement

Garth SandersNews

The Culver City Firefighters Assn. said today they have endorsed Planning Commissioner Andy Weissman in his bid for a seat on the City Council on the April 8 ballot.

Bob De La Puente, president of the Fire Union, explained why he and his colleagues were impressed.

“Andy’s willingness to listen to city employees on issues of importance to them and his experience as a community leader will make him an excellent member of the City Council,” he said.


Council candidate Andy Weissman with Bob De La Puente, President of the Fire Union.­

“As President of the Firefighters Assn., I am committed to protecting our community 24 hours day, and I know Andy Weissman shares that commitment.”
In addition to the Police Union and the Fire Union, Mr. Weissman also has been endorsed by the Culver City Democratic Club, the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, the Culver City Chamber of Commerce and hundreds of Culver City residents.

Rick Nielsen, president of the Police Officers Assn., said Mr. Weissman’s stance on “sensible development” and growing city revenues played a role in winning his union’s endorsement.

“We believe that Andy Weissman will promote the kind of sensible development we need in Culver City,” he said. “With that will come the revenues necessary to provide residents with an exemplary level of public safety.”

The candidate’s email is info@WeissmanforCouncil.com­ and his website is www.WeissmanforCouncil.com, 310. 839.5217.