Trump Stirs Fear, Bass Says

Zachary SeidlNewsLeave a Comment

Ms. Bass
Ms. Bass

Dateline Washington – U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City/Crenshaw District) said that President Trump’s second immigration ban is fear-mongering rhetoric, and she questioned its effect on our national security.

“The week-long delay of the President’s second ban attempt shows there is no real emergency behind his fear-mongering rhetoric,” Ms. Bass said.

“Just because the new immigration ban applies to six countries and not seven, and takes 10 days to come into effect instead of the second the President signed the order, does not make up for the bigotry that this order is still soaked in.”

The Culver City legislator said that “banning those traveling to the U.S. from Muslim countries is still a Muslim ban.

“Suspending our country’s refugee program and cutting the amount to be allowed entry this year in half will still cost lives.

“This 2.0 ban,” said Ms. Bass, “still endangers our national security. It still goes against our moral code.”
Mr. Seidl may be contacted at

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