Monday Will Be Dedication Day for Farragut Computer Students

Wendy TaylorNews

On Monday, Farragut Elementary School will officially dedicate the school's new Computer Lab, which was made possible by a $36,500 grant from Symantec Corp. An additional $24,300 was raised by Farragut parents.

The event will begin at 8:45 a.m. with a schoolwide assembly honoring Symantec. This will be followed by a 9:15 dedication ceremony that will include parents, teachers, students, School Board members and School District Supt. Dr. Myrna Rivera Coté and more.

Testing Latest Technology
"This is a tremendously exciting event for our students," Principal Barbara Brown said.

"We all know technology is growing by leaps and bounds. This generous grant has enabled us to make sure that Farragut's students have the latest and greatest learning tools available to them."

Through the grant, Farragut was able to purchase 34 new iMac computers, a wide range of software and new computer tables for use in its computer lab.

Gaining Speed

Said fifth-grade student Kayla Victor, "We love the new computers because they have flat screens. They also go much faster than our old computers. We have our own passwords and memory sticks. So we get to do a lot of projects."

All Farragut students have computer time once a week with the instruction of their teacher and an instructional aide. This year, teachers and the principal have devised a sequential curriculum for students from kindergarten through the fifth grade.

With each student receiving a unique log-in ID, password and fourth- and fifth-graders who provide their own memory sticks, the computer screen is specially tailored for their grade level each time a student logs in.

Taking Advantage

The use of the memory sticks also allows students to work from both school and home since all of their projects are saved to the portable device. The computer lab also comes equipped with a projector, which teachers can use as a visual aid to help students follow their lesson plans.

"The students are really excited about the new computers," said instructional aide Andrea Harnack. "It's important that students are up-to-date with technology."
