Little League Season Will Open Saturday — if the Skies Go Dry

Garth SandersNews

Will Saturday be Opening Day for the 53rd season of the Culver City National Little League or won’t it?

Depends on the weatherman.

All week, he has been saying that Culver City will be varying degrees of damp, or plain drenched, into Sunday afternoon.

At the moment, Opening Day ceremonies are scheduled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, and continue for 90 minutes, at Bill Botts Field.

The Little League’s two recently renovated diamonds are at the top of Culver City Park.

If the weather holds, 1,000 people are expected to attend.

George Aceves, president of the National Little League, issued the following statement:
“This year over 400 boys and girls, ages 5 to 14, will participate in our baseball and softball program.

“The efforts of many individuals, who volunteer their time for the sole purpose of providing our children with the character-building traits found in our national pastime, will make this year the greatest in our history.

“Teamwork, good sportsmanship, and respect for your opponent are qualities that are best instilled into our kids through Little League baseball and the parents and community who make it all happen.”
If anyone would like to be part of the National Little League baseball program, the website is or 310.202-1238.