Lin Howe’s La Briola Will Retire at the End of the Term

Geoff MalemanNews

After 20 years with the School District and eight years as the principal of Lin Howe School, Rosie LaBriola today announced her retirement, effective July 1.

“Retirement is bittersweet for me,” Ms. LaBriola said.

“I have had a wonderful experience here. I have been fortunate to work with an incredible staff, and I honestly looked forward to coming to school every day because of the amazing students, staff and parents at Lin Howe.

“I know the school will continue to flourish long after I am gone, but I intend to check in often to make sure things are going well.”

Since her selection as principal of Howe in ’00, Ms. La Briola has overseen a dramatic rise in test scores at the school as well as the implementation of a variety of new programs, including everything from the Math Olympiad and Chess Tutors to film-making classes and free after-school enrichment and intervention classes.

During her time as principal, former Gov. Davis honored the school for its efforts in promoting literacy. During the statewide reading competition, students at Lin Howe and El Rincon combined to read 2.7 million pages.

On Her Resume

Previously, Ms. La Briola was assistant principal of the Middle School, for 12 years. She previously taught second- through eighth-grades in the Schoo District.

She also served as a district officer in communications between central administration, staff, students, parents and community members. In addition, Ms. La Briola helped write the District’s science curriculum guide, wrote the curriculum for the district’s Drug Awareness Program, and developed elementary school programs for a model team teaching school, La Ballona School.

Ms. LaBriola earned her bachelor’s degree from UCLA and her master’s degree in education policy, planning and administration from USC. She has also earned a number of honors, including the Middle School PTSA Honorary Service Award, Continuing Service Award and Special Person Award. Ms. La Briola once was Elks Lodge Teacher of the Year and the California Teachers Association’s We Honor Our Own Award.
