Are You Present Commissioner Wyant?

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Mr. Wyant
Mr. Wyant

The remarkable rehabilitation of Scott Wyant following brain surgery takes another long step in 48 hours:

At 7 o’clock on Wednesday evening at City Hall, Planning Commissioner Wyant promises to take his regular seat beside his Commission colleagues.

A month ago, days after the delicate operation, there was not much doubt that Mr. Wyant would not return for his final year with the advisory board.

He would need to recuperate, wouldn’t he?

As this story is posted, Mr. Wyant, externally at the peak of his mid-60s skills, is undergoing radiation treatment at UCLA’s Ronald Reagan Hospital.

He looks as fragile as a brick wall.

In the fore part of yesterday, Mr. Wyant and his wife Leslie Spanier-Wyant, were entertaining family from out of town.

Later, there was a get-together at the Wyant home, he said, “of all my old basketball (playing) tribe” to watch the pro basketball playoffs.”

The day before, the almost lifelong surfer was back in the water for the first time, participating in a paddle-out, an annual tribute to two close friends.

A weekend ago, the Wyants flew to his native Northerm California for an every-spring reunion with even older pals.

No longer does anyone wonder if Mr. Wyant intends to finish out his Planning Commission term.

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