Home Sports Separate Classrooms for Whites, Browns and Blacks? Sure Sounds That Way

Separate Classrooms for Whites, Browns and Blacks? Sure Sounds That Way


A Leap in Logic

This projected stratification presents a hurdle in logic when liberals lay out their reasoning. Fortunately, however, liberals have a rich history of never allowing illogic or inconsistency to interfere with their shrill declamations.

I offer as my primer exhibit this morning’s lone editorial in the Los Angeles Times, “Learning in color.”

Having been trained by liberal professors in liberal universities — are you listening, Erwin Baby? — the Times’ editorialist (a big word meaning Today’s Designated Thinker) had the darnedest time figuring out why some black and some brown children are terrific students while others, the majority, smell up their classrooms.

What Is the Answer?

(As an aside, my oldest son is half black. This kind of mixed designation really confuses liberals. As you know, they prefer to think in black and white. Heaven forbid there should be any gray.)

Please do not disclose the following information to your liberal friends. They need something to do between now and the time the little white men in their funny little white coats arrive to take them away.

My son was raised in a household where learning was a primary value. He did well in school, afterward, too. He married his high school sweetheart while establishing himself in the professional world and growing a handsome family.

Oh, If They Only Knew

If liberals knew my son, they might showcase him and his family as an American success story, except that he married a white girl, and there our family goes again, skewering the nice, neat black and white racial data.

How can liberals flatly blame, say, black student failures in the classroom on their treatment by unenlightened white non-liberals if non-liberals marry black men or women and mess up tidy data? What do you call our children? And whom do you fault if our children flame out in the classroom?

Two foundational principles of contemporary liberalism hold that class and economics are two of the three main determinants of academic success.

Wink, wink.

Liberals are not allowed to publicly state these principles — cough, cough — do not apply to Asian families and to Jewish families who are barely making it. That would screw up their data machine. But it is, of course, true.

How to Become King

The third foundational principle of liberalism is divide and conquer — preferably, but not necessarily, by class. At least since 1990, we have been reading about the sizable gulf between the school scores of what are lumpily called minorities, Hispanics and blacks on one side, white students on the other. The Times opened its off-base editorial this morning with several sentences that merit further scrutiny: “The achievement gap (one of those wonderful liberal-coined phrases, like “militants” and “insurgents”) between African American and Latino students, and their white peers, is stark and persistent. It has existed for decades, and it is growing more persistent.”

Absolutely incurious, the Times refuses to dig for reasons. Just ipso-facto, there is an unbridgeable divide.

Instead of exploring why – only liberals believe it is caused by skin color — the Times editorialist goes for the easy fix, sounding entirely like one of those paternalistic 1950s Southern white supremacists.

It Is All About Skin

Dismissing the routine doctrinal liberal explanations — income disparity and education of parents — the Times editorialist reaches a spit-in-your-eye conclusion:

“The simple fact is that most black and brown children do not do as well in school as most whites… It therefore follows that strategies tailored to African American and Latino students must be integrated into the schools they attend.”

This of course means that blacks and browns will have to be taught in separate classrooms, away from whites, if the Times is to be believed. Hello. Does anyone else find this wildly astonishing and redneck racist. Isn’t this what Dr. King fought against.

Let us see the Democratic Party toadies at the Times talk their way out of this one.

Punch Line Coming Tomorrow?

With my eyes crossing, my nose running and the leather on my shoes dissembling before my eyes, I sit here in amazement. I presume that tomorrow the Times will explain the differences among educating black boys, white boys, brown boys — and please don’t forget my boy, a little black and a little white.

That should keep the rascals at 2nd Street and Broadway busy the rest of the Jewish holidays, almost two weeks away.