Home Sports Culver Volleyballers Surprise Santa Monica in a Rare Outcome

Culver Volleyballers Surprise Santa Monica in a Rare Outcome


This is a stretch, even for the Centaurs’ Cody Gartner. Photo, George Laase.

In a spike heard clear across the Westside, Culver City High School’s boys volleyball team upset Santa Monica, 3-1, yesterday, announcing there will be a changing of the guard this year in the Ocean League.

Culver City beat Samo pretty easily in the  the first game, and repeated a breezing victory over the still stunned Viking team in the second game.

Santa Monica regrouped to win the third game.

Culver had the set in hand with a 20-13 lead in the fourth game, but Samo came roaring back to tie it at 24 before Culver pulled it out,  27-25.

“We came out strong in the beginning and Samo did not look as strong as it has been in the past,” said winning coach Joe Manzo. “But you can see they are going to be a tough team to beat. This is a great mental win for our school against that program.

“I would like to praise all of the hard work put in by the players at practice. We're still learning to play together as a team. We still young, but the will is there. They really want accomplish goals as a team. There are no individuals out there. There may be six or seven players who get the most playing time, but all 13 on the team, all work hard together.”

Centaur sophomore Chandler Atterberry was excited.

“The last game was amazing,” he said. We had a 20-13 lead, and Samo came back. Those last two or three points were exhilarating. We haven't beat Samo in so long. It was a great feeling to beat them.” 

“Oh my God,” said Wesley Dixon. “I can’t even express what I’m feeling right now. This is the first time I have ever beaten Samo. We’ve won a game against Samo, but not a set.

“This is the most exhilarating feeling.

“I am still in a little disbelief. We came out with a lot of intensity. We didn't want to be intimidated by them. We came out like I knew we could”

He thought Santa Monica “may have been a little disrespectful coming into the first game. They probably came in thinking this was going to be an easy win. But we showed them.

“The first two games I was setting the ball really well because of the passes,” said James Chandruang. “When the passes are good, I can do a lot with the ball. I can set it forward, back or put the ball over on the second hit. The team came out and played well. We've seen Samo before. They may have thought this was going to be an easy win. We knew we could beat them. We came out with that mind set and sent them home thinking different.”

Samo…  9   9   25  25
Culver… 25 25   9   27

The MaxPreps link to the statistics:  http://www.maxpreps.com/high-schools/culver-city-centaurs-(culver-city,ca)/boys-volleyball/home.htm

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com