Home OP-ED Zirgulis’s Opening Thrust Clicks, He Says

Zirgulis’s Opening Thrust Clicks, He Says


Francine Sylvia and Alana Shapiro join Mr. Z in signing his petition.

I kicked off my campaign for School Board last Saturday with a BBQ-Yard Sale  and petition-signing, calling for the Fixing of the Culver City School Natatorium swimming pool.
The response to the petition signing was phenomenal. We got over 80 people to sign the following petition:
“Fix Our Culver City School Natatorium Swimming Pool. We, the undersigned, call on the Culver City School Board and Culver City City Council to commit to finding ways to raise funds needed to refurbish and keep open the Culver City School Natatorium Swimming Pool.”
The link to the online petition is:
I would encourage the readers to read the comments made by some of the petition signers which include the Culver City School water polo coach.
Robert Zirgulis