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Your Writing Reveals the Truth About You


[img]560|left|Nicholas D. Pollak||no_popup[/img]I just don’t want to write now.

Every part of me is saying no to putting pen to paper. Right. I did say “pen to paper.” It seems the younger the person is, the less he writes. With the advent of text messaging, emailing and other innovative forms, it is perfectly understandable. Text messaging is the height of achievement for those of us with opposable thumbs. We, as the human race, were lucky with this evolutionary quirk of nature.

Handwriting is a wonderful tool for all who choose to use it. Through handwriting, anyone can effect change if he so desires. Handwriting was learned when we were young. As we grew, our personalities became intertwined with what we wrote then and what we write now.

Find some of your handwriting from when you were young. Has it changed? How? Have you noticed changes in your personality with the changes in your handwriting? Where are the similarities?

Taking a Closer Look

A skilled handwriting analyst is able to answer those questions for you. Handwriting analysis is not hocus-pocus, palm reading, telling your your fortune, or cold reading. As valid as any other science, it has been proven accurate in assessing the personality of individuals.

I have been acknowledged to be at least 80 percent accurate every time I have read peoples’ handwriting the last 21 years.

A Handwriting analyst doesn’t need to see the person to know him or her. Handwriting will tell if the person is shy, extroverted, open to new mental stimulus or material stimulus, empathetic, sympathetic, into team or solitary activities; also, how the person takes in information, dresses and much more. As you may know from watching crime dramas, handwriting analysis often is used in profiling. Employers may use it in hiring an individual.

In many cases, it has helped me understand the personality of the person I am talking with. This was particularly useful in sales presentations. From their handwriting, I could see, as the meeting participants took their notes, how they took in their information and changed what I was saying to have the most impact on the decision maker.

Since we learned to write when we were young, we don’t think about how we write, only what we want to write. The writing is automatic. If, using scientifically proven techniques, you were able to assign a particular trait to a particular letter or loop or line that showed you as you are, if you want to change the trait, just change the way you write the character to the way that offers you the trait you now want.

Want to Change?

For example: If a person’s handwriting slants backward, it would indicate he or she is more withdrawn than others, also sympathetic. If the handwriting slants forward, the person is more outgoing and empathetic.

If the withdrawn person wants to be more outgoing, try consciously writing with the letters slanting forward. After 21 times of repetition, the subconscious registers the change in style as a habit. From that point on, you will not have to think about because it has become automatic. Before you know it, you find yourself being more outgoing.

I can understand your skepticism. But we all have the tendency to believe the things that we see, and, the results of what we have seen.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at
nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net