Home OP-ED Young People, I Pronounce You Guilty

Young People, I Pronounce You Guilty


When Democrats are successful, it usually is because their flim-flam lexicon has fooled the ignorant peasants again.

Liberals aren’t liberals — They are pro-gress-ives.

Tax hikes can’t go by their birth name. Sounds too crude. During the debt-ceiling talks, truth-ducking Swishy talked about “increasing revenues.”

And that brings us to the most fascinating story in the world today — those puzzling, mystifying riots in Jolly Ol’ England.

In an age when technology will blab to the world if you had a private, quiet spat with your wife in the middle of dessert in the desert last night, we don’t know who these terrible boys are who are rioting like deadly punks throughout the U.K.

Given the dominance of the left-wing media, we may never know because they protect their kind like a mommy hen.

Remember several years ago when young Muslim lunatics rioted for weeks in France? Only the Muslims never were branded Muslims. They were “unemployed young men,” as if they had just strolled out of Brooks Brothers.

As if rioting were normal.

The friendly left-wing media toasted them every morning on a shiny platter.

Same here today with the criminals who have come unhinged in the U.K.

I could not find a newspaper or news service that would ethnically identify them. Relying on television is a joke.

Here is how the Associated Press this morning delicately treated these thugs:

“…on a fourth night of violence, driven by poor, diverse and brazen crowds of young people.”

Huh? Young people. Hmmm.

The New York Times chose “minority youth.”

How specific. Maybe church let out early?

And then there are our dear left-wing friends at the Los Angeles Titanic, and the teeth-gritting, always mad Janet Stobart.

Calling the nightly explosions “the worst social unrest to hit London in a generation,” the dear girl could not find it in the spaciousness of her heart to tell us who these criminals are — beyond “young people.”

I better check on my sons. They are young people, even if they live thousands of miles away.

The closest Janet Baby came to owning up to the approximate truth this morning was in this neatly turned phrase:

“But there appeared to be no social or geographical boundaries for the groups of young people”…

You don’t think she is covering up for a liberalvictim group do you?
