Home OP-ED You May Control Guns, Just Not Fellow Humans

You May Control Guns, Just Not Fellow Humans


Reflection often appears to be antithetical to the liquid principles of liberals whose motto is, Act Today, Think Tomorrow.

The free nationwide gun-control circus that every breathing liberal in America hysterically has been staging for 10 consecutive days since Newtown should only happen with the frequency of Halley’s Comet.

The Left could not have embarrassed themselves more if they had tumbled from a bar stool at 1:58.

I had two favorite moments during the boys’ War on Guns –

• When the Do Gooders and Even Betters staged a fire sale on the useless, feel-good exercise of gun buybacks, and

• When gun-hating Boomer (I Feel So Sorry for the Poor) Obama delayed his regularly scheduled $4 million Hawaiian vacation to appoint Boob Biden head of a 30-day commission to formulate a strategy for removing 300 million guns from the grips of normal Americans. Boomer’s pal B.B. couldn’t find his wallet in less than 30 days, not to mention the Second Amendment.

Now there are two non-reflective politicians to emulate.

Pop Goes Our Favorite Weasel

Except for Boomer’s re-election, he has been having a bum autumn:

• He bungled Benghazi.

• He bungled Susie Rice, the latest POB (Pal of Boomer) to be left dangling at the end of a slippery rope when the detached Boomer typically fled the heat of criticism for attempting another nutty major appointment that blew up in his much self-admired face. Boomer was not through.

• Minutes later, he bungled the mangled nomination of vulnerable Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense. No dummy, Mr. Hagel just reached for the rope himself.

• Before tiptoeing off to yet another nouveau riche holiday at the weekend, the laziest, least aware President since Bill Henry Harrison closed out his mainland shenanigans for the year by bungling gun control and the fiscal cliff negotiations.

The narcissistic Boomer probably is too preoccupied amusing himself in Hawaii to notice, but this morning in the Rochester suburb of Webster his faux gun control diabtribe took a predictable hit.

Four firefighters were shot combatting a fire, two fatally.

How is that gun control campaign working out, boys?

Attn. Boomer and the rest of the left wing: No matter how repressive you make the next gun control laws, bad guys always will have access.

This morning’s assassin was a convicted killer. Oh.

What do the solution-starved geniuses propose to do about that?