Home OP-ED Yahoo, E.T. Rides Again

Yahoo, E.T. Rides Again


With their global-change-warming-climate scam running out of cred even with the most willing dupes on the left, liberals shrewdly have concluded it was time for a new medicine show.

Who should come prancing down the street in his favorite top hat, spats and driving a star-spangled covered wagon but that great American, the Sultan of Scammery.

Meet Dr. Eric T. Holder, the U.S. Attorney General in charge of the new Dept. of Racist Suspicions and Possibilities.

We Are Victims Again — Hooray

E.T., as Spielberg nailed him 30 years ago, has produced a magnificent new piece of tomfoolery – arguing in his trademark effete manner that, by golly whillikers, it is racist to ask voters to prove they are the persons they claim to be. Anyone should be allowed to wander in. Especially “minorities and the poor.” Just like climate warming and the 20 previous left-wing scams, the charge is nebulous. Their amorphous accusation is surrounded by impenetrable rhetorical fog, and invariably underpinned by the gotcha charge of racism.

Liberals, historically, have banked on voter fraud to gain offices.

Their vehicle: Multiples of homeless who want to make a buck, millions of illegal aliens, caravanned welfare moms, ex-cons and other professionally unemployeds, among others, who are bussed from precinct to precinct. It is an honored Democrat tradition. It is the way Jack Kennedy was elected.

One of the boldest threads of left-wing voter fraud scams was perpetrated by the late, unmourned organization Acorn, happily exposed and exploded a couple years ago.

In recent months, a growing number of states have enacted laws requiring voters to show identification.

Liberals, being zealous victims in permanent pursuit of a nasty oppressor to blame, have latched into this with the same blind, unsuspecting eagerness that they rode the climate warming hobby horse into the graveyard.

Known for brassily lying in numerous appearances before Congress, the phony E.T. and his fellow racists, such as Benny Jealous of the NAACP, are conducting a buffoonish national campaign.

Their mission: To convince the dupe community that “minorities and the poor” should not have to prove their identities to precinct workers. It should be plain that they are not white and not rich — and therefore are entitled to vote for a Democrat.

My Classy Guests

A month ago, Mr. Jealous, who means to splash political waves for his brain-dead group, stood on the steps of New York City Hall flanked by two of the filthiest rent-a-crooks in black politics, the Rev. Al Sharpton and U.S. Rep. Charley Rangel.

“We want folks to understand their rights are being attacked,” Mr. Jealous said. Being a liberal, he did not feel obliged to explain himself. What rights?

Which brings us back E.T. Accompanied by his staff from the Dept. of Racist Suspicions and Possibilities, E.T. brought his covered wagon circus act to the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin. E.T. has been watching Texas more closely since Rick Perry announced his candidacy.

I digress. Invoking the name of nearly every non-white since Moses, Maestro E.T. blew bluster bubbles.

Keeping his Charlie Chaplin-like face straight, E.T. said that requiring voters to prove they are legally registered is “a deliberate and systematic attempt to prevent millions of elderly voters, young voters, students and minority and low-income voters from exercising their Constitutional right to engage in the democratic process.”

Dang, E.T., you mentioned everybody except Republicans. Must have been an oversight.

For our final gem, we are indebted to John Hinderaker of powerlineblog.com:

One last bit of irony — if not hypocrisy — was experienced as people lined up to enter the LBJ Library to hear AG Holder rail against voter ID laws. As each person entered the library he was required to present his photo IDs in order to be allowed in to hear the speech.

You tell ‘em, E.T. And by the way, sir, may I see a photo to prove that you are E.T. and not Charlie Chaplin?