Home OP-ED With the Help of a Frand, Lin Howe Student Mathletes Prevail

With the Help of a Frand, Lin Howe Student Mathletes Prevail


A sample 90-second question might be: “The pages of a book are numbered from 1 to 200. How many times does the digit 7 appear?” A recent inquiry asked, “Using four lines through a circle, what is the largest number of regions you can create within the circle?” Don’t peek, but the answers are at the end of this story. The Math Olympiad program resulted from a meeting last spring between Prof. Frand and Lin Howe Principal Rosalind LaBriola. The Olympiad (www.moems.org) is held in 50 states and 25 countries. It was begun this fall at the Culver City public elementary school as an enrichment program. About 10 students from each fifth grade class taught by Zach Bastoky, Karen Burkenheim and Greg Holman meet with Ms. Burkenheim for math class each day. The math enrichment sessions, led by Prof. Frand, are held during math time twice a week. The Culver City Lions Club donated team tee-shirts.

The Lin Howe School Mathletes are:

Daijah Adolph, Andrea Arana, Maryssa Burkenheim, Cesar Calderon, Louie Cedeno, Destiny Chapman, Savannah Cocio, Alexander Donis, Kaitlin Espelita, Gabriel Galdamez, Mario Gallardo, Stephanie Galvez, Bethany Gonzalez, Nadia Hamud, Laura Hyslop, Lilli Keeve, Kayla Kline, Christian Levin, Jake Lewis, Maya Lince, Timothy Martin, Eliana Pipes, Aliya Protto, Matthew Rivera, Helena Rockwell, Stephanie Rodriguez, Nancy Sibaja-Martinez, Cheyenne Thomas, William Yupanqui, and Jarobee Zuniga.

Answers to the two questions above: The digit 7 appears 40 times in the first 200 pages of a book. A circle with four lines makes as many as 11 regions.