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Will This Doc Bring a Loaded Gun into the Room?


Good riddance to radical Donny Berwick, another eyesore to the Obama administration. He was forced out this week as chief administrator of the Medicare and Medicaid programs after the President sneaked him into office a year and a half ago through the recess appointment loophole.

Swish loves to surround himself with extreme thinkers, and Dr. B is a sterling example.

Dr. B believes in rationing end-of-life healthcare, though, presumably, he pledged not to bring a loaded gun into the room when treating an aged person.

Since nearly all of us will age, only those of us who die young would be able to evade the evil doctor’s odious sting.

Dr. B could be sweet to his mother and feed the mentally homeless leaders of the Occupy movement every morning, and he still deserved to be fired.

Maybe boys and girls on the Angry Left stop aging — or counting — when they reach 30.

Swish, not the swiftest thinker in Washington, knew Dr. B’s to-hell-with-the-elderly philosophy when he nominated him to implement Obamacare last year a few days after it was forced through Congress. The appointment was temporary since he hadn’t been confirmed by the Senate. He was not ever going to be because Republicans believe it is slightly naughty to deliberately kill older people.

Swishy knew Dr. B never would be approved by Senate Republicans. But, driven by his well-known stubbornness and arrogance, the narcissistic President pushed Doc through the recess rat hole anyway.

All of Swish’s predecessors have made recess appointments, mainly of unpopular choices. That, however, is not the complaint.

Do You Believe or Not?

If you believe that Dr. B’s despicable attitude toward the elderly is merely questionably popular and morally correct, we have nothing more to discuss.

Beginning yesterday, the cheerleading boy and girl “journalists” on the Angry Left drooled and wept when Dr. B announced he was leaving by next Friday.

Even casual observers, meaning liberals, know that the Dr. B was being thrown out because of his stance against the elderly.

But America’s most influential leftist newspapers lied in trying to disguise the real reason. All three newspapers quoted below falsely claimed GOP opposition to Dr. B was based on their disapproval of Obamacare.

In yesterday’s Washington Post, the true reason for cashiering Dr. B was buried, apologetically, in the eighth paragraph, and note the quotation marks:

“Republicans, however, seized on remarks he made praising Britain’s National Health Service as an “example” for the United States to follow. Many accused him of supporting the “rationing” of services, a claim Berwick has rejected.”

The New York Times story, by veteran Washington reporter Robert Pear, danced away from the truth until the seventh paragraph, and then treated the reason with salty disdain. Please note the first verb.

“Republicans caricatured Dr. Berwick as an advocate of healthcare rationing, because of comments he made before coming to Washington. He had, for example, lavishly praised the British healthcare system. In an interview with a biotechnology journal in 20098, he said, ‘The decision is not whether or not we will ration care — the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.’”

In the Los Angeles Titanic, typically unreliable Noam Levey.

Mr. Levey richly lauds Dr. B’s brilliance in his opening two paragraophs before reluctantly confessing that, ummm, well, yes, that “GOP lawmakers accused Berwick — who has praised the British health system and called for more humane, if less invasive care at the end of life — of supporting medical rationing.”

We have angry Mr. Levey’s obviously dependable testimony in paragraph four that “the charge was dismissed as absurd by patient advocates, doctors and healthcare leaders in both parties.”

Rest easily, dear friends. Only Mr. Levey holds the truth. He has deigned to share it with us peasants. Lucky us.